DUAL 1229Q Turntable |
Specifications: | 3 Speed (33.33/45/78), Idler Wheel |
Drive, Fully Automatic/Manual Play | |
Special "Neon Glow" Stobelight | |
Cue Control | |
Spec Sheet Data: | Motor: Dual synchronous/continuous-pole |
motor, with radial elastic suspension | |
Platter: | |
Non-Magnetic, Dunamically Balanced | |
Weight 3.1Kg, 305mm | |
Pitch Control: 6% | |
Wow & Flutter: +/- 0.06% | |
Rumble: | |
Unweighted: 42dB | |
Weighted: 63dB | |
Tonearm: Tubular, mounted on 4 point | |
gimbal type bearings. | |
Cartridge: Accepts all 1/2" mount with | |
a weight of 2-10 grams (incl. mounting) | |
Tracking Force: 0-5 Grams | |
NOTE: The difference between the | |
standard 1229 and the 1229Q is the | |
headshell design, and acceptable | |
cartridge weights. The 1229Q is also | |
wired for Quadrophonic (CD-4) sound. | |
Years Manufactured: | 1972-74 |
Price (New): | $260.00 (USD) |