brankel1.jpg (300913 bytes)   SITE UPDATE HISTORY
         We want to say thank you for visiting our site and we hope you will enjoy
        your visit.   We are always listening to your comments and suggestions!


August 20, 2015 Did some site maintenance, fixed some improperly formatted pages.
March 8, 2014 Verified all the links on the Links page are working properly.
March 7, 2014 Verified all the links on the Parts/Service page work and added The Audio Lab of Boston as a repair facility.
December 28, 2011 Updated the turntable set up page in the troubleshooting area with more information and a video.
November 24, 2011 Added the This Year All Dual Turntables Feature ULM advertising brochure covering ULM turtables to the Advertising section.
November 21, 2011 Added the ULM Tonearm brochure to the Advertising section of the website
Added  the Dual Resonance brochure to the Advertising section of the website.
November 6, 2011 Added  the Dual CV-1460 Amp specs & photo, fixed some of the links on the website.
Cleaned up the Intergrated Amplifier  & Dual History section of the website.
October 28, 2011 Updated some of the turntable photos with better ones.
August 12, 2011 Updated the platter removal page with the method to be used on newer Dual turntables.
April 2, 2011 Added a link to the Wegavision-Pytalhost website. Very interesting!
Updated the specs for the Dual 410 turntable.
September 27, 2010 Fixed formating errors on quite a number of pages due to server changes.
March 12, 2009 Added the Dual 85-86 Catalog in Deutsch to the Advertising Section
October 11, 2009 Added a page for the Dual 1229/1229Q test reports.
April 24, 2009 Fixed the Guestbook issue
July 22, 2008 Added the specs for the CS-714 turntable
May 23, 2008 Added Part 3 of the 1975-76 Catalog in the Adverts section
Added Part 4 of the 1975-76 Catalog to the Adverts section
Added Part 5 of the 976-76 Catalog to the Adverts section
May 20, 2008 Divided up the 1975-76 Catalog into smaller parts
May 18, 2008 Added the 1975-76 Dual Full Line Catalog to the Advertising/Brochures area. Quite a large file, but worth it!
May 17, 2008 Rescanned the .PDF files on the Advertising page for higher quality and smaller download size
Added a new 1977 United Audio Turntable Brochure
May 14, 2008 Added the CT-18 Tuner Page
Added the CT-19 Tuner Page
May 13, 2008 Added the CT-8 Tuner page
May 11, 2008 Added the specs for the 1242 turntable
May 10, 2008 Added the CS5000 Dual brochure to the Advertising Section
Added the CS505-1 Dual brochure to the Advertising Section
May 9, 2008 Added the Fall 1988 Full Line Brochure to the Adverts section.
Added "The Manhattan" Brochure to the Adverts section.
April 13, 2008 Added the CS505-3 page to the turntable index
December 23, 2007 Added a photo of the C810 Cassette Deck
December 10, 2007 Added "Fix My Dual" to the Service Contacts List
November 27, 2007 Added the Voltage Switchover page to the Troubleshooting section
Added the Operational Issues page to the Troubleshooting section
Added the Turntable Noises page the Troubleshooing secion
Added the Platter Removal page to the Troubleshooting Section
November 25, 2007 Added a photo of the CT1260 Tuner to the tuner pages.
Added the "Turntable Set Up Procedure" on the Troubleshooting Page
Aded the "Turntable Noise" remediation on the Troubleshooting Page
Cleaned up website for better viewing.
Added Classic Audio Repair of San Diego, CA as a repair facility on the Parts/Service page.
Sept 20, 2007 Checked links on links page and added "The Analog Department" website.
July 29, 2007 Checked links on the links list and updated as needed.
May 10, 2007 Added photo of the CS-431 turntable.
April 30, 2006 Added "Terry's Rubber Rollers" Idler Wheel Restoration Services to the
Parts/Service contact page.
March 24, 2006 Added "Adopt-A Dual" to the Parts/Service page as a new vendor!
March 11, 2006 Updated the Guestbook so readers can see the other guestbook entries
before they sign.
Published the beginnings of the new Troubleshooting section. It is now
much easier to use than before and contains more information.
March 4, 2006 Visitors now have the opportunity to view the other guestbook entries
after they sign the guestbook themselves.
Visitors can now see who have made donations on the donation page.
February 26, 2006 Added the specs for the CT 1260 Tuner
February 17, 2006 Added the specs for the 503-2 turntable.
Decmeber 17, 2005 Added the Dontation option for viewers to help keep this site advertisement.
and pop-up free.
Added links to the latest Vinyl Anarchist Articles (Vintage Links Page)
Added the link to "How To Pack A Turtable for Shipping" (Ebay Page)
Added the Dual 1007 Turntable
December 3, 2005 Revamped the Dual Troubleshooting page to be more useful.
Fixed the Log book to accept more entries
Added the 1235 Turntable
April 24, 2005 Added Ebay "Dual Turntable" auctions to the Ebay page
April 15, 2005 Updated the CS 505-2 turntable photo & specs
Updated the CS-650RC turntable specs
Updated the 704 turntable specs
Added the 721 turntable specs
April 14, 2005 Added SignalsUK to the Service Contact List.
Reformatted the Service Contacts page.
Added the CS 503-1 Specs
March 12, 2005 Reformatted the Links page, regrouped links according to link type.
Added a link to a Garrard Company History Page
Added turntable lubricant convserions to the 1200 Lubrication page
Added the specs for the C-844 Cassette Deck
March 9, 2005 Added the "Guest Book" to the website.  The link is on the homepage.
March 7, 2005 Added the CD-1780 Receiver
Converted the Video, Tuners, Turntables and Cassette sections to
The "Living Color" Format.
Competed the conversion of the site to "Living Colors" format.
Added the Dutch Grammophone Society Website to the Vintage Links List.
Corrected South Street Service's Address & Phone Number
March 5, 2005 Updated the Service Contacts List
Added recent editions of "The Vinyl Anarchist" e-column to the Vintage
    Links page.
Added the "Vintage Knob" website to our vintage links page.
Worked on the site "Look & Feel" to give a more uniform appearance
March 3, 2005 We rernamed the website "The Dual Reference Website" as we feel
that this more accurately reflects our mission on the Internet.
We added "The Sound Idea" to our Service Contacts page
We began a whole new design of the website, to give a cleaner look!
October 6, 2004 Added the Stereo Exchange of Chicago to our Parts/Service List
August 7, 2004 Added the Dual 1009F turntable photo and specs.
Added the Dual 1235 turntable photo and specs.
July 10, 2004 Added Dennis Rollinger's Dual Website (German only) to the Vintage links
June 5, 2004 I finally fixed that pesky hit counter on the home page.
Added a link to the Sansui Literature site.  Courtesy of Sten Angskog.
Added the links to the latest "Vinyl Anarchist" Column.
Removed the New Dual advertising from the home page and
put a vintage Dual picture on the front where it belongs!
December 24, 2003 Added the links to the latest "Vinyl Anarchist" Column.
December 14, 2003 Added a link to the Dual Americas Website.
Updated the History section appropriately.
October 15, 2003 Added Alfred Langer's Dual Website (very nicely done!)
Updated "Send Mail" Links to our new e-mail address:
Updated the Vintage Links to reflect the latest copies of
"The Vinyl Anarchist" e-magazine.
July 19, 2003 Added a picture of the Dual CS-415-2 Turntable
Added "Sound Images" to the Vendor List (repair facility).
June 20, 2003 Brought the links to "The Vinyl Anarchist" up to date on the Vintage Links page.
   Nine new editions!
Added the Europradio website to the Vintage Links list
May 25, 2002 Added the CS503-1 turntable photo
Tweaked the website to look better using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5+
May 19, 2002 Added the specs for the TG-12A Reel-To-Reel Tape Recorder.
Added the specs for the CS-626 turntable.
March 17, 2002 Added the link to the Phase Linear Reference site on the vintage
links list.
Added the photo of the CT-5040 Tuner
February 19, 2002 Added the specs for the CT5040 tuner.
February 15, 2002 Updated the photo and specs of the CS-515 turntable.
February 12, 2002 Added the photo of the Dual 1211 turntable.
February 11, 2002 Added the CS-130 turntable Information
February 10, 2002 Added the CS-617Q, picture and specs.
Put the Dual TKS55E Cartridge manual online. Link is on the
    turntable index page.
February 9, 2002 Completed loading in the ULM turntable Brochure.
Updated the Home Page
February 7, 2002 Added the specs for the 1254 turntable.
Began loading the ULM turntable Series Brochure in the
Advertisements Section
February 6, 2002 Added the Dual 506/522 Advertisement.
February 3, 2002 Added the specs for the CS-606 turntable.
February 2, 2002 Added a new picture of the C-939 Cassette Deck.
January 26, 2002 Reviewed and updated the Vintage Links list.  Added
updated issues of "The Vinyl Anarchist" and a link to
Added the specs for the Dual CS608 turntable.
October 21, 2001 Added the specs for the Dual CS-515 turntable
August 12, 2001 Inserted picture of Dual 604S turntable.
April 28, 2001 Added enhanced specs for the CS-7000 & CS -5000
Added the Dual 1210 turntable Picture
Added the CS-505-3 turntable Picture & Specs
Added the CS-450 turntable Picture & Specs
Added the CS-410 / CS 415 turntable Picture & Specs
Added a very basic glossary of terms used in this website.
Added the CS-2110 turntable Picture and Specs
Added links to the latest edition of "The Vinyl Anachronist"
April 26, 2001 Added the "Classic Speakers Website" to the Vintage Links List
Added the specs for the CS 630Q turntable
Added picture and specs for the CS-2235Q and CS-2225Q
April 24, 2001 Added the specs for the CS 506-1 turntable
Moved the Service Contacts Link to a more prominent place on the
Added the specs for the CS 620Q turntable
Added the specs for the CS 731Q turntable
Added the CS 2215 turntable picture and specs.
October 13, 2000 Added   'Andrews Hi-Fi Recommendations" to the Vintage Links List
September 28, 2000 Added the picture of the CS-630Q turntable
September 26, 2000 Updated the Introduction to this website.
September 24, 2000 Added the picture of the DUAL CS620Q turntable
Added the DUAL 410 turntable
Added the DUAL 1005 turntable Pictures
Updated the C-830 Cassette Deck Specs
Added HiFi Heaven to the Vintage Links List
Added "The Unoffical Technics Website" to the Vintage Links List
Added the turntable Product Comparison Sheet -1980 to the Adverts Section
August 5, 2000 Added some specs for the DUAL C-828 Cassette Deck
Added some specs for the DUAL C-839RC Cassette Deck
  Added a link to the latest edition (August 2000) of the Vinyl Anrachist
  Added picture and some specs for the DUAL C-822 Cassette Deck 
Added picture and some specs for the DUAL C820 Cassette Deck
Added picture and some specs for the DUAL C812 Cassette Deck
August 1, 2000 Added the picture of the DUAL C-828 Cassette Deck
  Added the picture of the C-839RC Cassette Deck
Added the DUAL CS-714Q turntable
Moved the 650RC to the CS 650 RC (correct identification)
Added some specs for the CS650RC
Added some specs for the 1254/CS1254
Added the DUAL CS 522 turntable
Moved the 731 turntable to the CS 731 as it is a CS model.
July 23, 2000 Added the DUAL CS 506-1 turntable
Added the DUAL CS 626 turntable
Added the DUAL CS 606 turntable
July 11, 2000 Added the picture of the DUAL 504 turntable.
July 8, 2000 Added the DUAL 522 turntable picture and specs
Added the Marantz/Pioneer Vintage Website to the Vintage
links list.
Applied to become a member of the "Audiophile Web Ring". 
This will provide our viewers a list of high quality audiophile
sites to visit.  The links should be active in a few days.
July 4, 2000  Added the DUAL C828 Cassette Deck Advertisement
Added the "What Every DUAL Owner Knows" Advertisement
Added the "The Problem With Your Bass..." DUAL 604 adverertisement
July 2, 2000 Added the picture of the 1009SK turntable
Fixed the specs for the 606 turntable.
Added more info about the 650RC turntable
June 24, 2000 This site has now been operational for 1 year! 
Added the latest Edition of "The Vinyl Anarchist" to the
Vintage Links list. 
Added the 606 turntable Specs.
Added the 1241 turntable Picture
Merged the 1241X turntable info in with the 1241 info.
Replaced the 1246 turntable picture with a better example.
Added the 1254 turntable picture.
Merged the 1254-45 turntable info in with the 1254 info.
Replaced the 1009 turntable picture with a better example.
May 19, 2000 The DUAL Servicestelle in Germany has updated their
website to include part numbers and cost in $USD.
See the Service Contacts page for more info.
May 1, 2000 Added the 1258 turntable specs and picture
April 22, 2000 Added the 1264 turntable Specs
Added the 505-2 turntable Picture and Specs
Added Circle Stereo as a Service Contact
CS-530 turntable Picture and Specs added
Added the 622  turntable Specs
February 6, 2000 Added the photo of the 714Q turntable.
January 30, 2000 Totally revamped the Service Contacts page. 
More vendors listed. 
December 2, 1999 Added the 650RC turntable picture
Corrected the Hyperlink to the 606 turntable.
November 30, 1999 Added another ULM tonearm advertisement
Corrected the problem with the C-819 Advertisement
Added 3MB more space to the website
November 28, 1999 Added the DUAL 502 German Adverts to the advert
November 26, 1999 Completed the addition of the 1983 DUAL CS Series
Brochure.   Enjoy!  Sorry about the long load times, but
I wanted to get the highest picture quality possible!
The last specs page DOES load quickly, however.
November 25, 1999 Added the individual turntable pages from the DUAL CS
November 23, 1999 Added the CS 505-1 turntable
Added / Updated specs for the DUAL CS 508,
CS 1268 and CS 1258 turntables
Continued loading the CS Brochure
Added new images for the CS 741Q, CS 728 Q,
CS 627Q, CS 508, CS 505-1 and CS 1258 turntables
November 21, 1999 Continued with the loading of the pages from the
DUAL CS Series sales brochure
Added the specs for the CS 741 Q, CS 728 Q,
CS 708Q, CS 627 Q and CS 607 turntables.
Moved the CS 606 back to the 600 series section
as it really is a 600 series turntable, rather than a true CS
November 19, 1999 Began scanning and adding the CS Series Sales Brochure
from DUAL. 
Added the 622 turntable picture
November 13, 1999 Added new graphics to the home page
Added updated specs for the CS-7000 and the
CS 505-4 turntable
Fixed formatting problems with the "Keeping Your DUAL
Alive"  section.
Rescanned the CS503-2 turntable picture.
Added the specs for the CS-741Q turntable
Moved the 606 to the CS section as the DUAL
documentation calls is a CS 606.  This is one of
those units that drives me nuts!  CS or not?
Added the specs for the DUAL CS 606 turntable.
October 23, 1999 Installed the "Keeping Your DUAL Alive" page.
Added the 1200 series turntable to the Troubleshooting
Section. Others to follow at a later date. 
October 10, 1999 Added the picture of the C-814 Cassette Deck
Added a updated graphic to the home page
Added the picture and limited specs for the CS 503-2
Added the picture and limited specs for the CS-430
Added the CS-430 turntable,  picture and specs
Added updated specs for the 1015 turntable
September 19, 1999 Added the specs for the C-814 Cassette Deck
Fixed formatting problem in the DUAL History page
Improved the scans of the CD5950 Receiver and
Golden1 turntable.
September 15, 1999 Corrected spelling errors in the Adverts Section
Broke up the Cartridge Information Booklet into smaller
pages for WAY faster loading! (Sorry about that!)
September 14, 1999 Added the DUAL Suplimentary Cartridge Information link
to the turntable Index Page
September 12, 1999 Added the 1009 Auto/Professional Advert
Added the 1009SK Advert
Added the specs for the 1219 turntable
September 9, 1999 Added the advert for the 1006 turntable
Added the specs and picture for the DUAL CV5600 Int. Amp
Added the advert for the 1019 turntable
  Added the advert for the 1009 turntable
  Reformatted the advert index page for better readability
August 28, 1999 Added the picture of the 1264 turntable
Added the picture of the CS-7000, the Golden 1 turntable
  Added the CS 750-1, picture and Specs
  Put a new graphic on the home page
  Added the CS505-4 turntable, picture and specs
Added the CS 455 turntbale, picture and specs
Added the CS 435-1 turntable, picture and specs
Added the CS 415-2 turntable, picture and specs
August 27, 1999 Added the "Golden Stone" turntable (Pic & Specs)
Activated the video recorder section and added the VR 4870 VCR
August 26, 1999 Activated the CD Player section of the site with the DUAL
CD 1045, CD 1050RC and the CD5150RC CD players
added both pictures and specs for these units.
Activated the Reel To Reel Section, added the picture of
the DUAL TG12A Reel To Reel unit.
Added the picture and specs for the DUAL CR5900 Receiver
Added the picture and specs for the DUAL CR5950RC Receiver
Added the specs for the DUAL CV1260 Integrated Amp
Added the specs and picture for the DUAL CV-5670 Int. Amp
Activated the Integrated Amp section on the DUAL Homepage
August 24, 1999 Added the picture of the DUAL 1010 turntable
Added a picture and specs for the DUAL CR-5950 Receiver
August 22, 1999 Added the picture for the CS 1258 turntable
Fixed formatting problems on the CS 1258 page
Moved the 607 turntable to the CS section and added
a photo and fixed that pages formatting. 
Added a new graphics to the turntable Index and the
introduction pages. 
Updated the introduction page.
August 21, 1999 Added the picture for the C-819 Cassette Deck
Reformatted this page so that the latest updates appear
at the top of the list, rather than at the bottom. 
Added the picture of the C-809 Cassette Deck
Added the picture of the C-901 Cassette Deck
Fixed formatting errors on the 1216, 1218, 1225 and 1226
pages, on the  turntable index and home page.
Added the CR5250 RC Receiver Advertisement.
Added the Golden 1 Advertisement
Added the specs for the DUAL CS 1268 turntable
Added the specs for the DUAL 506-1 turntable
August 20, 1999 Added the picture for the C-939 Cassette Deck
A Mega-Update is coming this weekend!!  (Saturday)
July 28, 1999 Updated the information for the DUAL Servicestelle to reflect
the proper forms of payment that are accepted. 
Put in a new picture of the CS 1268 turntable
July 18, 1999 Moved the "CS" series on the turntable index page to the
top of the page. 
Added more information about the 1/2" cartridge accessory
adapter on the turntable index page.
Added the 430 turntable to the the turntable index page.
Added the 1234 turntable to the turntable index page.
Put in a better picture of the 510 turntable
Added the specs for the 721 turntable, pictures for the early
and late models.
Added the 1239 turntable to the turntable index page
July 17, 1999 Put in the specs for the DUAL 1257 turntable
Added the specs for the DUAL C-919 Cassette Deck
Added the DUAL CS 1258 to the CS  Index with Specs
Relocated the 1258 model to the CS section as this is a
true CS series turntable. 
Added/Updated Pictures for the DUAL 1218, 1225, 1246,
1249, 606 and 721 turntables.
Moved the 741 turntable to the CS Series as this is a true
CS series turntable.
July 13, 1999 Added the Decisions, Decisions Advertisement to the
Advertising Section.
Reformatted the Advertisement Section
Added 2 more MB space on the site server!
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